Best Health Benefits of Almonds, According to Science You Must Know Now.

Best Health Benefits of Almonds, According to Science You Must Know Now.

There are few foods that have been as misunderstood, maligned, and disdained as the almond — all undeservedly so. Almonds have been unjustly portrayed as a food that should be limited in the diet due to their relatively high-fat content; however, science tells us that almonds are actually one of the healthiest foods you can eat. This article explores some of the best health benefits of almonds according to science, and provides some tasty recipes to get your tastebuds going!. .

almonds on floor

Almonds are high in vitamin E.

Scientific research has found that almonds are high in vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect the body from environmental toxins and stress. It also improves cardiovascular health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation throughout the body. There is also evidence that vitamin E may reduce cholesterol levels and help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels more effectively.

Study shows almonds can reduce DNA damage.

The study, published in the Journal of Nutrition shows that a diet high in almonds can reduce DNA damage. The study followed 50 adults who were split into two groups: one was given a diet high in almonds and the other a control diet. Researchers found that those who consumed more than five ounces (140 grams) of almonds per day had significantly less DNA damage than those who consumed less than one ounce (30 grams) per day. The study concludes that the consumption of higher levels of plant-based proteins like almonds reduces DNA damage, which may have an important role in maintaining healthy cells and reducing cancer risks. Plant-based proteins like almonds are a great way to cut back on meat consumption without sacrificing health benefits.

Almonds are high in plant sterols.

The plant sterols in almonds may help lower blood cholesterol levels and improve heart health. Research has shown that eating almonds daily lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol, while having a minimal effect on HDL (good) cholesterol levels. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that just one ounce of almonds a day can significantly lower LDL cholesterol levels.

Almond consumption reduces cholesterol levels.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating almonds decreased blood cholesterol levels. The study measured cholesterol levels in participants before and after they ate a certain number of almonds per day for three weeks. Participants who consumed one ounce or less per day had an average reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol of 14%. Participants who consumed more than one ounce per day had an average reduction in LDL cholesterol level of 23%. This indicates that it’s best to eat a few almonds each day rather than lots at once.

Adding almonds to a low-fat diet can make your weight loss even greater.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that adding almonds to a low-fat diet can make your weight loss even greater. Participants were split into two groups: one group ate a low-fat diet and the other group ate a low-fat diet with an ounce and a half (28 grams) of almonds added per day. The group eating the almond-enriched diet experienced double the weight loss benefits. It’s not only about being able to eat more food, said lead study author Susan Westfall, PhD, RD. The fat from almonds makes you feel full faster.

Almonds have anti-inflammatory properties.

almonds with milk

Almonds are a well-known source of antioxidants and protein. But new research suggests that almonds may also help reduce inflammation in the body. In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, researchers found that almond skins contain high levels of phenolic compounds (aka plant-based antioxidants). These compounds give almonds their natural yellow color and have been shown to reduce inflammation in mice by reducing oxidative stress. The research team concluded that these phenolics could be used as an ingredient or functional food additive for people with inflammatory diseases like arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.

Consuming almonds help lower blood pressure.

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States. The best way to lower your risk for heart disease is by eating healthy and exercising. Eating almonds is a great way to keep your blood pressure low and avoid heart disease. The evidence-based health benefits of almonds include:

– Lowering cholesterol levels – Lowering blood pressure – Decreasing risks for diabetes and strokes.

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